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526 questions

Upper Track Issues

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

does anyone experience upper track issues? is it linked ? I supper bad acid reflux and am waiting for a camra down the throat...just wondered if anyone else experiences it with ibs as I have terrible issues with digestive tract

A myIBSteam Member

Yes, I also have acid reflux along with my IBSD. I do think it is common for the two conditions to be related.

posted June 22, 2019

. Most Days If I Dont Take Immodium At Night For The First Hour I Can Go To The Toilet Up To 7 Times Does Anyone Have This Problem.

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

First thing in the morning if I don't take immodium at night I can go to the loo up to 7 times in the first hour. My doctor reckons this part of the IBS but when your staying at someone's house with only one bathroom it gets a bit embarrassing also we travel a lot and that is the same when your back and for the washroom. Has anyone else experienced this and can they tell me how to cope.

A myIBSteam Member

I know exactly what you mean and I can relate to almost all you said, I had some horrible embarrassing moments, I have tried different meds, now I am trying to learn more about FODMAP and keeping a… read more

posted August 12, 2021

Going To The Toilet 🙈

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

this is so embarrassing but I get severe rectal burning while going to the bathroom and for the whole rest of the day and afterwords does any one else experience this? its awful and painful ! atm my stomachs in nots so suffering a flare so gta keep using loo but my rectum also swells up terribly any ideas to help this or what it is? thank you x

A myIBSteam Member

I use Prep H too.

posted April 12, 2023

Who Has Used Prebiotics And Is It Effective In Helping Ibs ? Does It Help To Take Probiotics Too ?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

I have been reading that prebiotics help probiotics in controlling ibs symptoms. Some of these supplements can be costly and I am hoping to get information from other members if they use both prebiotics & probiotics. Are prebiotics really effective ? Do you find probiotics effective? Any side effects from them ? What supplements work best for you if you take these ? So many to chose from !

A myIBSteam Member

I use Biomel and it really makes me feel better in the morning,most of the time. You can buy it on amazon but it takes a few weeks to arrive.

posted October 17, 2019

Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

The diet seems to be really geared towards IBS-D especially from what I can tell. I know when I first tried doing it it helped the bloating, but made everything else worse, because I was following all the low fiber (and often pretty heavy) recipes on Pinterest... not great for constipation or someone whose gut is triggered by heavy foods. Combining the low-FODMAP diet (modified with what I know I can handle based on the reintroduction phase) with a more personally "constipation friendly" diet… read more

A myIBSteam Member

I have cut off fried foods, carbonated drinks, dairy free, gluten free foods

posted September 20, 2021

When I Was Diagnosed With IBS-C, The Doctor Told Me To Take A Probiotic And Miralax Every Day. Does Anyone Else Use Miralax Daily? Thanks

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myIBSteam Member

I have not heard of it but I hope it works for you. I use miralax in the morning and drink apple cider at night to help with constipation. Its so frustrating dealing with constipation!

posted June 23, 2021

Has Anyone Tried A Squatty Potty (or Similar)? Does It Help At All?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

I have found a reasonably priced squatty potty on Amazon and just wanted some first hand recommendations before making my purchase, thanks in advance 😊

A myIBSteam Member

It definitely helps me. I just have a little, regular household step stool

posted May 16, 2021

Leg And Thigh Pain When Having A Bowel Movement

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

Just had the most painful poop ever... as I was sitting on the pot, I got some wicked spams in my legs and thighs. It stopped after I stood up and screamed in pain... what the hell was that?! My bowel movements were liquid... anyone else get those?? what the hell is that?

A myIBSteam Member

yes I have some of those. I have pain in my thighs, night sweats, back pain. what can I do to get read of the pain?

posted August 22, 2021

Does Anybody Else Find Sugar Causes Crippling Stomach Pain

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

Everytime I eat sugar in any form my stomach swells and I suffer crippling pain, nothing eases it. I try to avoid sugar as much as possible but because I'm so hormonal I tend to crave it occasionally. :(

A myIBSteam Member

Have you been tested for SIBO?

posted August 23, 2021

Does Anyone Else Feel Tightness In Their Abdomen Often?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭

For the last week or so my abdomen has been tight/kinda hard when I touch/push on it and looks bloated.. is this normal?

A myIBSteam Member

I have IBS-C & I have been experiencing gas pain & bloating lately. It's very uncomfortable! It's important also to make sure you are drinking enough water to push whatever is causing it through your… read more

posted August 16, 2021
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