Stomach Noises How Loud Are Yours
Just wondering about people's loud girgling noises your guts make. Once I was outside with my friend and she jumped up as she thought the drive gate was opening.... I laughed and said what's up, she said she thought her mother had arrived. I said no it's my guts just moving lol
Very loud I have leave the room as I know what's coming next.
So loud! Sometimes it gurgles so loud that it sounds like I'm passing gas and can be embarrassing
I find that it’s either gas gurgling or about to have a diarrhea attack! Sometimes with diarrhea my stomach hurts so bad I have contemplated calling 911 lol I don’t of course because I know it’s going to be over when I’m done 😑
I thought all along I was hungry. Anybody knows what it is or is it the gas stirring?
Way too loud. In a room of people it kinda gets embarrassing but I usually say I'm hungry. My Dad has IBS D too. His is very loud gurgling sound lol
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