Who Here Has Experienced Bowel Incontinence From Their IBS? What Are Your Coping Methods?
I am having a device put in my back this Thurs to help with , water retention, loose stools leakage, urine leakage, and help with bloating.I also hah. A prolapse surgery for a rectocele in march. I stay constipated. I have a colon that flares out at the ends. My intestines are twisted. I have lots of trouble using bathroom for bm. Took Linzess for awhile. I see a UroGynecologist. He has given me shot up my va jj to get my muscles to relax so my stools will pass .I have had this done twice.Hurts like crazy, but my :olumne and stool. Size was better. Not little french fry size.
As for bloating which I get A LOT ,it is because my insides are so twisted. And I stayed contipated. I WILL take a laxative the rest of my life.
Peanuts are my thing. I can eat them and go straight to bsthroom. They are high in calories and I eat a jar in a day or two. Trying to ween myself off them
Also juse finsished treatment for brest cancer. Had 3 surgerise back to back. 20 radiation treatments. I firmly beleven in uro gynocologist. My guy knows his stuff! .
Me the older I've gotten. Age 49 5 kids. Lotsa pushing 5 kids. I think I'm loose that area. I wear pad whenever I go out placed towards butt. Flushable wipes. Extra panties. Take Imodium. IBS-D I have. I've had two accidents at mall in last year but I had pad on helped some. Restrooms so far away. And once didn't have runs but as I was walking in mall to restroom it just slowly came out. One lady says she has some kind of prolapse back there. I think I do too. Sat at home I stood up and out it came. Gross. Glad I was at home. Had since 1990 stress related. Drs don't try much at all to help. I kinda wonder if it's heredity related too. Dad and his sis broth have it. My two sons do and one daughter but she's constipated. I've bout depends lol. Haven't wore one yet. I'm too young!!!! It's 2017 you'd think drs would have some things to help us. Oh my sis has it too. But she knows mostly which foods cause it. I've never seen a relation to food with mine. Stress.... bi polar. Panic attacks anxiety all don't help either What's a person to do?????
bowel incontinence? it's when you have no control over your bowels =s not fun to deal with, kind of embarrassing but I seem to be coping a bit better with it now.
What's that?
Grasto stop
What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
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