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Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Calgary, AB

The diet seems to be really geared towards IBS-D especially from what I can tell. I know when I first tried doing it it helped the bloating, but made everything else worse, because I was following all the low fiber (and often pretty heavy) recipes on Pinterest... not great for constipation or someone whose gut is triggered by heavy foods. Combining the low-FODMAP diet (modified with what I know I can handle based on the reintroduction phase) with a more personally "constipation friendly" diet… read more

December 22, 2016
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A myIBSteam Member

I eat low fodmops at all times. Helps a lot.

June 15, 2019
A myIBSteam Member

@A myIBSteam Member

I have been following the low - FODMAP diet for IBS-C since March of 2015 after my first and only consultation with a registered dietitian.
It was suggested that I follow the Monash University IBS Program or Stephanie Clairmont. I have found them both helpful in some ways and both confusing in others. The Dietitian said because IBS symptoms are so diverse there isn't any one program that will work for everyone.
I have been gluten free since 2012 for neurological symptoms (brain fog, anxiety, migraines) even so, I have struggled with this diet.
I do know that I absolutely cannot eat popcorn, onions or garlic, meat (especially red)
(as luck would have it, I am fine with wild caught fish & seafood), processed foods, high sugar anything, grapes, strawberries (although fine in a smoothie), some other raw vegetables cause some issues if the portion is too large. I try to limit portion sizes to 1/4 cup. Dairy and grains in general are questionable.

2017 will make 4 years of daily abdominal pain, tiredness that has turned into exhaustion this past year. I am adamant about not resorting to medication as I see that as a band aid; however it is becoming increasingly difficult mentally to say no to meds.

I would say a great challenge for me personally is the non - convenient meals as everything must be prepared before hand, I cannot just go to the fridge or cupboard and grab something to go.
Also, I have to do the grocery shopping for myself as my husband has no idea what I am eating from week to week which has also caused tension and stress.

Last month I started a regimen of smoothies with a vegan plant protein powder(Juice +), I had been making smoothies before hand without it but thought more protein and fiber might be beneficial.

I added kamboucha to my diet with one shot in the morning, turmeric tincture, organic broth, organic greens, nutritional yeast, hemp hearts, flax seeds, chia seeds, Chlorella and sea vegetables, green tea & Brazil nuts.

For supplements: Vitamin D3 (taken with a smoothie that contains fat) Natural Calm Magnesium. The magnesium takes care of the constipation relatively well however the abdominal pain continues.

Some times I think I should give a vegan diet a go while keeping to the low - FODMAP diet and other times I think I should give the ketogenic diet (high fat-low carb) a try.

As the challenge continues, I've decided to make an honest attempt to look after my cellular structure, make changes in my daily living routines by adding yoga, adding more house plants to clean the air, change to organic natural cleansers, pure essential oils & meditation. If I absolutely must live with this chronic pain, I am going to do it well.

December 26, 2016
A myIBSteam Member

I have been doing the FODMAP diet for IBS c along with adding 2 fiber tablets every day. I like eating raw veggies but I can not eat raw carrot, but I can eat them cooked. I really have to limit my dairy intake or I get spasms or diarrhea with in and hour of eating or drinking it.

September 17, 2018
A myIBSteam Member

I used the fodmap for about 4 months until I could sort out some triggers when I was initially diagnosed with IBS. Now I eat what my stomach allows - lots of no’s- & keep Zantac & Tums, kumbacha handy, take probiotics 2x daily, and use intestinal support drinks. Been on this for 4 years & mostly makes life/ dietary challenges manageable. Must be diligent & keep regular meal times also. Frustrating, challenging but not getting worse.

April 29, 2018
A myIBSteam Member

I have cut off fried foods, carbonated drinks, dairy free, gluten free foods

September 20, 2021

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