Does Anyone Find When They Take Stool Softeners With The Stimulant Laxative Their Stomach Gripes Really Bad?
@A myIBSteam Member I've never hear of that. What is it?
I take Senokot it takes a little longer to work but you do not get all the gas from fiber and probiotics and you do not get the painful cramps of Ex-Lax and other chemical Laxatives. If you have an Ulcer--AVOID Stimulant laxatives altogether. It could cause internal bleeding.
Laxido really works for me.
Yes. I was getting cramp like feeling on the right side of my stomach area. Im taking dulcolax now. not so much pain with them
With Ibs Do You Have Pain On The Left Side And It Goes Over To And Above The Pelvic Area.
How Many Of You Have Seen A Specialist For Your IBS?
Chronic Constipation Lasting Over A Month.