Does Any Of The Women Who Have Ibs Get Worse When There Monthlies Come Along?
Every time my monthlies come. My ibs flares up more. I don't know if this is because of the period or because ibs. I get a really bad pain in the middle of my tummy feels like wind but it doesn't move. I've tried buscopan but it doesn't work. Any one else have this?
Yea it happens to me, peppermint coated tablets help for my period pain as well believe it or not, and any decaf tea for bloatedness! I'm currently on ondansentron for my ibs-d and it's much better! Research it!!
When I was young that was the first episodes of IBS, Stress has always caused me diarrhea even as a child
I have this every month but recently my monthlies have been irregular and I have still been have the IBS flare ups when they are supposed to be here. I'm at a loss too.
Thanks. I just asked this. Prior to period I spend alot of time running to bathroom. I know I also sometimes do not eat as healthy, cravings, but it doesn't seem to matter.
Food After A Flare
What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
Does Anyone Else Get Body Aches When There IBS Is Flaring Up?