Has Anyone Found That You Only Get Gassy At Work?
I have a problem with gas. My sister says she never smell me. But when im at work it happens. Im using probiotics drinks lots off water stoped drinking all caffeine. Im at a loss....
I suffered with years of gas, I found it worsened when I was in stressful environments. When I was at secondary school it was at its worst, my stomach would make loud noises and then gas and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Eventually it went away and my symptoms moved onto different ones, sorry I can not be of any help, but you are not alone.
hi Norma is true nothing found yet i hope one day they do fine samething
I have had so many scopes and still there is no cure for IBS. I monitor what I eat but that still doesn't help. Horrible disease that no one knows a lot about. 😢
I haven't found an answer yet, isn't too bothersome...
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