Telling New Friends?
Hi, I have recently relocated to another country. How soon do you explain your illness to new friends? I’m going to run out of excuses to meet up with them soon 😳
I also have fibromyalgia so have flare ups with that also,so double the cancellations!
Tell them truthfully how difficult this can be ! Even then, I find many people believe it’s like a 24 hour stomach virus and you should be able to overcome it and be fine ! Some will never understand how IBD diseases affect you forever, come and go in intensity, but never leave you ! Just do the best you can, people who care will try to understand
If you explain to your friends what is happening they won't pressure you....they may not understand at first but in time they friends always wanted me to take extra medicine so I could eat the things that they were....! I went through being depressed...asking myself why me! Just be honest...that's the best thing!
I tell my friends. It is a part of who I am, and they need and do accept me for me. Unfortunately, IBS is a part of me. Most of my friends know what triggers it as well.
Tell them right away
Yea I’m with Patricia tell them straight away
How Many Of You Have Seen A Specialist For Your IBS?
Chronic Constipation Lasting Over A Month.
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