Perianal Skin Tags
Are these common with IBS. Tried searching on here for anyone who may have similar but nothing has come up.
I have a big one, anyone else.
It's kind of ok to talk about things like this on here.
12 months ago I couldn't of but I've accepted that poop is poop and bums are bums.... everyone does it and everyone has one
No skin tags
Sre you speaking of hemorrhoids?
No put I have skin tags on other parts of my body nothing seems to stop round my bum at all apart from loads of toilet paper in case of accidents go to doctors and get it sorted anita xxx
Oh dear that can't of been nice
I had 2 one by my out hole which is still there,and one that was at the top of my crack which was new in the past several weeks. Well Sunday night when showering I didn't know what it was thought maybe a blackhead so I picked and picked until it was gone,needless to say that I was bleeding really good from it where I packed my buns with lots of toilet paper and sometime during the night it stopped bleeding. I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE ELSE.Go to a Dr.Hugs and prayers. PEACE
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