What Kind Of Probiotics Will Work? Nothing Is Working So Far:(
Have been to numerous health professionals and no one has help. Suggestions?
Have u tried bio yoghurts. I’d diary is a trigger you can also get them dairy free. One of best things I have found in a while and try taking probiotics with your meals
Your healthcare professionals can’t help because they have no scientific data. A lot of people will swear by probiotics but while there is a lot of anecdotal data, there is almost no scientific data. The only one that has a little bit of scientific data is Align, and those data are sketchy. It’s expensive but ry Align for three months (best price is Costco). If it doesn’t help, anything else you try is just a guessing game.
My gastro has been useless for I He'sf not happy with me right now because I won't pay for an expensive drug my primmary care gives the best advice an all her recomadations have help me she let me choose my own probiotics I say start low dose then go higher
My gastroenterologist told me that the one with the highest number of probiotics is best. We had a very good talk about this very subject. It's going to take time for them to work.
It might get expensive too.
Water PH Of 8.5
Who Has Used Prebiotics And Is It Effective In Helping Ibs ? Does It Help To Take Probiotics Too ?
I Have Had IBS-D Since I Was 21 And I Am Now 74. Anyone Have Success With Probiotics/prebiotic And If So Which One?