Does Anybody With IBS Just Have Only Gurgling Sounds And No Diarrea Or Constipation?
My digestion is working just fine--no issues. I have this crazy gurgling/rumbling sounds from my intestines. They are very loud and occur mostly at night when lying on my back. Lying on my side helps. Is this IBS even though I have no BM issues such as diarrhea or constipation? Any remedies for these sounds? Thank you.
Yes I do. I am also a very windy person 😩
Hi. I get gurgling noises all the time. I think it's just gas creeping its way out of our intestinal tubes, or its backed up
It doesn't matter what I eat. I either have a good day with no problems or I get stomach pains, bloating, gurgling sounds, sometimes diarrhea and sometimes constipation.i feel like there's always a war going on in my stomach. The only time a specific for seems to run right through me is something greasy or lettuce. But I think that may be because I don't have a gallbladder, not really sure.
I like that! Farty nana!
I also have gurgling, splashing sounds and I do think it does start the bloating and gas problems too! Sometime I have Diarrhea and sometime it just gas building up!
What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
Stomach Noises How Loud Are Yours
Chronic Constipation Lasting Over A Month.