When I Was Diagnosed With IBS-C, The Doctor Told Me To Take A Probiotic And Miralax Every Day. Does Anyone Else Use Miralax Daily? Thanks
oh eww cod liver oil? I don't think I could take that.
Cindy B
I prefer the liquid fish and cod liver oil since it works quicker to to fight constipation and the one I take has Vitamin A and D plus lemon flavor to cover up the fishy taste....I put it in juice and blend it well
I took Miralax for 2 months since I was very constipated but noticed after about a month my eyes and nose were very dry when I usually watery eyes and runny nose due to my year long allergies ...I quit taking Miralax and started taking fish oil, beet juice, L glutamin powder and probiotics and no longer have dry eyes or nose problems...it can cause metabolic acidosis if taken too long for some people
I have not heard of it but I hope it works for you. I use miralax in the morning and drink apple cider at night to help with constipation. Its so frustrating dealing with constipation!
Yes I do I have the constipation issues big time My GI Dr has me on a new Med called Motegrity anyone else heard of it?? this is my first post so be kind :)🙂
Chronic Constipation Lasting Over A Month.
Who Has Used Prebiotics And Is It Effective In Helping Ibs ? Does It Help To Take Probiotics Too ?
How Many Of You Have Seen A Specialist For Your IBS?