I Have IBS With C Most Of The Time.
I have other conditions , that I have to medicate. Some of them loosens my bowels, but many leave me with chronic constipation. Occasionally, I have a severe urge to defecate, and I'm not near a toilet , I have had accidents. Full dosage Linzess was tried on me , full strength , some years ago. I had severe diarrhea, cramps, nausea. I have recently using prescribed Miralax , colace capsules and senna . They help sometimes. But other times, I feel a pressure or urge that just about gives… read more
Do you have really bad lower back pain feels like a pinched nerve and also bloated stomach and crampy then diarrhea comes and goes
How many of you have low back pain? Feels like a pinched nerve. Very bloated stomach.Cramps and then diarrhea
Well I think the Mirlax Is questionable. My sister gets very bloated and constipated from it. I see no relief from my constipation.Colace is not helping me either. Have scheduled an appointment with my GP and we shall see what she says. Probably not much get exercising is her usual m/o
Mine has been awful for two weeks.
Yes, sometimes the lower back pain is terrible
What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
How Many Of You Have Seen A Specialist For Your IBS?
Fiber Supplements For IBS D Making Things Worse!