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Does Anyone Have Movement In Their Stomach That Almost Feels Like A Baby Kick?

A myIBSteam Member asked a question 💭
Delaware City, DE

Newly diagnosed with IBS. Since then, I’ve noticed so many changes within my body. This has been the newest one.

November 16, 2020
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A myIBSteam Member

I don’t have that problem anymore but I can understand it would. Have you tried leaky gut? That seems to help my pain

February 4, 2021 (edited)
A myIBSteam Member

Yes me too I hate that feeling I had that like 2 weeks ago, my mother in law suggested that I try Buscopan it relaxes your muscles but I haven't tried it.
I am currently trying Align
And I have been on it for 4 days and I don't have any symptoms of IBS

February 26, 2021
A myIBSteam Member

It’s a dietary supplement that is vegetarian capsules. It does contain shellfish. You are to take 2 a day, you can take up to 6 a day. I started taking them 6 months or longer and from the second day I could tell a difference. I take 1 of a morning and 1 before bedtime. I get them at Amazon but you might find them somewhere else. The name is Leaky Gut Repair by Liver Medic. It has helped with my heartburn some, definitely with the bloating and gas pain.

February 5, 2021
A myIBSteam Member

I’ve never even heard of that! What is it

February 4, 2021
A myIBSteam Member

Thank you for responding! I thought I was going crazy and I’ve been absolutely miserable. It gets worse around the time of my period too

February 3, 2021

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