Very Very Gassy
Hi all. I'm almost certain I have IBS. Mygut never feels amazing. It's always rumbling or I'm gassy or bloated or I have cramps or I have loose bowel movements or I struggle to have a bowel yea I guess all symptoms of I'm looking for suggestions. I am really gassy(have a lot of flatulence). Have any of you had any success with natural remedies for gas that has actually worked, or any tips for reducing flatulence.? I'm so desperate for advice. This is the symptom that is⦠read more
My GI Dr. has me taking Simethicone 180 mg twice a day. It really helps. You can buy it OTC, the brand name is GasX. I hope this helps. I know that gas causes pain as well.Hope and prayers.
I have not been diagnosed yet but I'm sure I have IBS
I have all the same symptoms that you do.
I started taking Digestive Advantage, and I think it has helped
4 days with a normal BM
Hot baths work for me. I crush beano and take it in morning
hi very very gassy
I was the complete opposite, I couldn't pass gas and my stomach felt like it was about to explode. Nothing I took would help release the gas. I am now relieved that I can release gas & glad I live alone cause when I feel one coming I let it I did have pain so bad that 1st year of being diagnosed, I went to ER about every other month for morphine. It helped for a few days only. GI told me to take Miralax 2X a day & that has helped relieve the tight exploding stomach, but it's still big & can not wear any of my clothes cause any clothing(pants) that touch stomach makes it hurt so I wear anything that doesn't have a waistband. Wish I could have been helpful. IBS is horrible to have. I had to quit my job & now just stay home. Have not had holidays with siblings in 4 years due to IBS. I'm always uncomfortable & best to just lie down on sofa or sleep allows me some comfort. I'm very depressed & at one time thought dying was the only way but talking to crisis, police & counselor that night I was convinced not to. I was monitored for a few days. God is the one who decides when it time and not Satan. Prayers go out to you. I'm glad I have support from team cause no one understands how we suffer unless you have experience it. Please let me/us know how you are & if you found help from some miracle doctor to cure us all.
Glad gas x worked for. It never did me
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Is It Normal To Have So Much Flatulence When You Have Ibs
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