Dr Recently Put Me On Statin For Cholesterol And Bp Meds...i Also Take Supplements And A Back Pill At Night
I am struggling with not knowing specifically if this can cause ibs. or if it is certain foods ...it is so hard to deal with cos never know when the flairups will occur or what is causing it. some stuff I know days later if I have spice in foods...no go and I eat alot of tomatoes and apples which now I will be taking skin off first sometimes it is mashed potatoes at diner that they put milk in.....I don't drink milk at home only almond milk in my oatmeal. very frustrating as my… read more
Thank you. And yes this group helps so much..
Try researching a low FODMAP diet. If your insurance pays for it get a referral to see a dietitian/ nutritionist.
Be a strong advocate for yourself and do not let the doctors intimidate you!
IBS is very difficult to figure out but this group is amazing with advice and support ❤️
I have same problems as you! I am trying everything to figure out triggers. I find stress causes a lot of my problems! trying to relax more and not let things bother me. Much more stressed since I got into 70"s age bracket.
I dont drink much milk either and drink Almond.
Water PH Of 8.5
Lomotil Can't Get It In UK
Question? Has Anyone Tried This? Cumin Water.