What Are Some Medications For IBS.?
Dicyclomine for cramping and bloating. Has very little to no side effects. Probiotics are also good to take. I myself avoid anything that is even near high in fiber which causes excess gas and bloat. I have learned thru trial-pain-and error that I have Lactose intolerance and either Celiac Disease or Gluten intolerance so I avoid this altogether in my diet. I was having so many bloating and cramping issues with d's that it became too much, so I did some research and found that many IBS sufferers have what is called SIBO-which is Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. My Gastro put me on an antibiotic for this and I am doing so much better since then. Hope this info helps. God Bless!
I use Mintec Peppermint oil tablets.
Buy them from the supermarket, chemist.
I use Buscupan they usually work
I use Mintec tablets for my IBS symptoms.
You can buy these at the Supermarkets, Chemist.
It is Peppermint oil. TABLETS
Thanks for the information 👍
What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
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