How Long Does Your IBS Flare Last? Over Indulged For My Birthday Knowing I Wouldn’t Feel Great The Next Day But Now I Am On Day 5
Recently started taking probiotics with vitamin c, d3 and zinc. On no other medication for ibs
I'm traveling out of town for training at my job it's been 2 rough nights and it's interrupting my sleep
I have tried a few probiotics but didn’t find they helped much. The only thing that really seems to work is clonazepam for anxiety and Imodium. I went to Ireland for 8 days and only had one brief episode and I think it’s because of the better quality of food, and just a different way of living. Maybe relocation is the answer lol I wish that was easier said than done. Any members from Ireland let me know your thoughts on how difficult or easy the life in Ireland is 😊
Are probiotics any help I am going to try, so fed up with belly pain.
Stress is a trigger.
I've had 2 nights in a row of anxiety induced IBS beginning to think IBS has triggered the anxiety lots of nausea maybe just a bad IBS flare guess I'll be cutting out fried foods everything else has already been eliminated no dairy no caffeine no carbonation no raw veggies only certain cooked veggies only fruit bananas no dairy means no cakes pies or treats
Does Anyone Else Get Body Aches When There IBS Is Flaring Up?
Weight Gain? Has Anyone Experienced This Even If You Can Barely Eat?
Food After A Flare