What Do You Drink If You Can't Drink Juice Or Milk, And The Dietitian Tells You Not To Drink Water.
IBS-M is C + D together.
Oh nooooo, you have to drink water and plenty of it. Our bodies are made up of water. Without it, our intestines would dry up. I'm 30 or so years of and living & dealing with IBSc and if I didn't drink my daily quota of water, I'd literally die..for IBSc I take Restoralax nightly.
If you have IBSd, your system is expelling alot of water from the diarrhea. So you need water. I'd look for a new dietician. One that truly knows about IBS c&d.
I've also learned that many Celiac sufferers also deal with IBS..eliminate high fibrous foods and perhaps get yourself tested for celiac disease(?). Good luck!
Symptoms of constipation can also include diarrhea. Speaking from experience. I think now, IBS is just that..
Now both can accompany constipation.
Sorry, I've only known about IBS c&d. Never heard of IBSm. Can you please elaborate?
I have been tested for Celiac and they say I don't have it. They did a 1/2 colonoscopy and told me I have IBS-M. They just told me to do the low fodmap diet.
Food After A Flare
Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??
Wondering If You Find Drinking Alcohol Makes A Difference?