Anyone Experience This?
Hello has anyone who has acid reflux experienced a funny feeling in throat also a burping sound like gurgling but not actually burping? . Also can feel the IB gard in my throat
IBGard is peppermint and can cause acid reflux. Sounds like need pepcid or prilosec.
Hi. I Was Recently Diagnosed. I'm On A Concoction Of Dicyclomine, Malox,and Lidocaine. Plus Generic Prilosec. . Anyone Else Get Dizzy,
Does anyone else get dizzy, nauseous, and super tired 1-2 hours after eating anything? This is so hard😞
How Many Of You Have Seen A Specialist For Your IBS?
My old GP diagnosed me 10 years ago with IBS but i never knew i should have seen a specialist until now. I'm just wondering how many more out there haven't seen a specialist
I've seen a GI doctor since 2011.
Does Anyone Experience A Tightness And Bloating Under The Breasts Usually After Eating A Meal?eating
Yes, I even get shortness of breath sometimes after I eat. When I have my flare ups my pain is also in the center upper stomach under my breast area in the center.
Has Anyone Found A Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Has Helped IBS-D Symptoms?
Suspecting a possible ulcer, the doctor prescribed a PPI for 6 weeks. While taking it my IBS symptoms subsided. After I went off this drug, they returned. To test it, I started taking it again and once again relief of symptoms.
Has anyone had a GI doctor recommend this for IBS?
Thanks. I'll check this out also.
Has Anyone Else Had Severe Nausea And Abdominal Pain With IBS
I have had IBS for several years. Recently I havent wanted to eat much because of the pain after I eat. I also have Acid reflex and PCOS. I try different things but everything seems to make the pain worse and i get really bad cramps that make me double over a lot...i also throw up a lot of things i eat cause of the pain any suggestions
Yes, often