Can IBS Cause Swelling And Joint Pain
It's come about over the last few months where my fingers are swollen and the joints sore mainly on my right hand. Also it seems to be affecting my shoulder and neck. For many years I've had lower back issues and sciatica.
You are not alone. Have had the same rhings
Upper Track Issues
does anyone experience upper track issues? is it linked ? I supper bad acid reflux and am waiting for a camra down the throat...just wondered if anyone else experiences it with ibs as I have terrible issues with digestive tract
Yes, I also have acid reflux along with my IBSD. I do think it is common for the two conditions to be related.
What Meds Do People Take For IBS?
Does Anyone Have Trouble With Metamucil? For Some Reason My Body Wont Tolerate It
I can’t take it either . Makes me sick and awful cramps
Does Anyone Else Get Body Aches When There IBS Is Flaring Up?
I was just wondering does anyone experience body aches and fatigue with IBS? Last night after I went to sleep I started having body aches and was like NO!! I can.t get sick... I did have a flare up yesterday and it when on all day and apparently through the night with the aches and then this morning too. I've been on a light diet since yesterday. Just curious if body aches is normal. I feel so sleepy and run down
Lately I have been having lower back pains when I have major attacks. Looking forward to getting home and seeing my doctors and get answers.
One day at a time! Had a good day today!
Food After A Flare
once you have had a flare do you eat that day or following day and what do you eat ?
I have no diet as I dunno if anything upsets my stomach I can eat the same things and then some days have a flare cant seem to find a pattern :( but never know what to eat after one usually I go with out food for rest day or following day because to scared to eat :(
I aso have just broth, maybe crackers, applesauce for a couple of days after a flare-up. Certainly nothing else. NO milk or dairy.
Doesn’t Anyone Else With INS Deal With Mucus Coming From The Rectum? I Don’t Know What To Do. Seems Neither Does The Doctor. Help
Doesn’t anyone else with IBS deal with mucus coming from the rectum? I don’t know what to do. Seems my doctor doesn’t either. Help!
I can relate. Doesn’t matter what I eat. And doesn’t happen right away. Happens the next day!
Weight Gain? Has Anyone Experienced This Even If You Can Barely Eat?
I know personally I retain a lot of fluid during my flare ups. But I've gained and I really don't eat much when I do. I've gain up to 20lbs being sick and all I can do is sleep through it.
Yes it's hard to lose or maintain weight I think its inflammation and water retention and when you feel well I take advantage and eat up while I can so that's why I think I have 10 lbs that comes off… read more
Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??
The diet seems to be really geared towards IBS-D especially from what I can tell. I know when I first tried doing it it helped the bloating, but made everything else worse, because I was following all the low fiber (and often pretty heavy) recipes on Pinterest... not great for constipation or someone whose gut is triggered by heavy foods. Combining the low-FODMAP diet (modified with what I know I can handle based on the reintroduction phase) with a more personally "constipation friendly" diet… read more
I have cut off fried foods, carbonated drinks, dairy free, gluten free foods
Has Anyone Had A Good Experience With Medtronic Inter Stim?
Using interstim for IBS D and have not had a positive experience?