Is Linzess one of the best treatments for IBS?
Miracle drug for IBS-C ! I feel better than ever and I'm almost seventy.
Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??
The diet seems to be really geared towards IBS-D especially from what I can tell. I know when I first tried doing it it helped the bloating, but made everything else worse, because I was following all the low fiber (and often pretty heavy) recipes on Pinterest... not great for constipation or someone whose gut is triggered by heavy foods. Combining the low-FODMAP diet (modified with what I know I can handle based on the reintroduction phase) with a more personally "constipation friendly" diet… read more
I have cut off fried foods, carbonated drinks, dairy free, gluten free foods
Any Recommendations For A Homeopathic Approach To IBS-D?
I truly believe the natural way is the best way.
I just started seeing a holistic doctor. Only been 10 days. But I’m having less cramping n bloating and “accidents”
Weight Loss And Ibs
I have Celiac disease and IBS. I have lost 13 lbs the past year and am struggling with trying to gain it back . It seems I gain a few pounds then suffer a flare and lose it
Who Has Used Prebiotics And Is It Effective In Helping Ibs ? Does It Help To Take Probiotics Too ?
I have been reading that prebiotics help probiotics in controlling ibs symptoms. Some of these supplements can be costly and I am hoping to get information from other members if they use both prebiotics & probiotics. Are prebiotics really effective ? Do you find probiotics effective? Any side effects from them ? What supplements work best for you if you take these ? So many to chose from !
I use Biomel and it really makes me feel better in the morning,most of the time. You can buy it on amazon but it takes a few weeks to arrive.
Who Else Hates “patrons Only” Signs?
I’d like to see public establishments post a sticker on their door indicating that people with IBS - or any other elimination disorder, bladder or bowel - are welcome to use their restroom. I hate to see the “patrons only”’sign when I have an emergent need.
I totally agree, I thought one state was going to do that, maybe in the Northeast, but then it died down.
Any Undergarments Available In Case Of Diarrhea
I am to the point that I'm afraid to go out anywhere in case of an IBS flare-up. I know there are products like Depends for urinary incontinence but is there anything for those of us with IBS problems, fecal incontinence?
I too have had many accidents. It’s so embarrassing and humiliating. I thought I was the only one! And thank you for the tip of tearing Depends down the side. Very helpful.
Fiber Supplements For IBS D Making Things Worse!
Hi, I am new here. I have had what I believe is IBS-D for many years. About 15 years ago I saw a GI doc, had a colonscopy, and was told to just take a fiber supplement. The fiber supplement made me much worse. Last year I was tested for Celiac and the test was negative. I have also tried a gluten free diet without success. Also had a test for my pancreas and that is normal as well
I am seeing a different GI doctor now and am scheduled for Colonscopy soon. He thinks my issue is likely IBS… read more
Is It Normal To Have So Much Flatulence When You Have Ibs
Alas, it goes with everything else! If it’s problematic, try avoiding gassy foods like broccoli, beans, cabbage, etc. Any brand of simethicone will miraculously help. I don’t know how…within a few… read more
Support Group In County Durham, UK
I've set up a support group in County Durham, UK for sharing experiences and helping each other. I want to meet others living with IBS to try and find a way to control our symptoms and live happily. We're stronger together. The group meets once a month in Durham city and our March meeting is next week!! Email me if you're interested: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by myIBSteam users)
Wish we did too. Kettering ohio. Real nice to meet people. Need lotsa restrooms!!!!