Best Meds For Chronic Constipation
I have found eating a pot of pro biotic yoghurt and drinking kefir yogurt helps, as do bran flakes and porridge rolled oats and fresh spinach. Iām vegetarian. š
I rather eat 2 kiwi fruits. Not use Metamucil. I have tried phlox but that made me go toiler heaps every hour. Try and use natural foods, spices etc. As I don't know what they put into the pills we take
Forgot to add i have recently been prescribed Mabeveriine Hydrochloride 135 mg x 3 and Amitriptyline 10mg. The latter helps relax me at night and the other helps reduce constipation.
I don't take any pills from the doctors for IBS. As i found the ones in the past did not help my symptoms.
And for pills. We don't know what ingredients are in the pills.
I rather take Mintec (peppermint oil)
tablets brought from the super markets.
Whats The Best Meds For Constitpation
Has Anyone Else Tried The Low-FODMAP Diet For IBS-C (NOT IBS-D)? If So, How Did It Go For You??