Just Wondering How Many People Have Tried Eating Gluten Free To Manage Their IBS Symptoms.
I have a minimal menu as well. I cut gluten, sugar, meat, carbonation, soy, and dairy out of my diet. My symptoms were so severe I was literally a prisoner in my bed unable to eat much of anything. I eat steamed veggies, jasmine rice, bananas, herbal teas, use ghee, or olive oil. I do not eat raw veggies or stone fruits. I make a batch of bone broth weekly and sip on it each day. I eat gluten free bread once a day sometimes twice. I absolutely try not to eat anything processed. Onions and garlic are my enemy. I eat lots of eggs for protein and I will eat salmon and tuna in the can as long as it is not packed with soy. I read all labels now. My symptoms have improved a lot over the last three months, but I do still have some bad day.
I have been gluten free for about 5 years now. It didn't help for about 3 months and I was going to give up when it started helping. I still get diarrhea, but much less often. But I have noticed my anxiety attacks went away. So that alone with keep me gluten free.
I can handle gluten - bread is my main menu item lol. Mostly I eat sour dough it furmated so it is probotic but I can eat any bread and be ok but daily I eat sour dough .I dont eat any diary or anything with diary in it ,beef, no raw veggies at all , and no broccoli,cauliflower, or cabbage seeds or nuts Basically Im on the BRAT plus chicken ,potatoes and fish diet Im IBS D lol seems to b working for me .Im thinking of adding beef back Also no soy or carbonation .
Lots of us are not celiacs but we are gluten sensitive.
Do you find it helps? I do myself.
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