Probiotic Side Effects
My GI doctor wants me to take probiotics. For the past 6 or 7 months every time I eat Activia, or take a probiotic I GET a vaginal yeast infection. After I stop the probiotics it resolves. Anyone else have this issue? I can't find anything on Dr. Google. GI doctor said this is not possible.
It may be from the sugar in the yogurt and sucrose in the Align...too mich sugar can cause yeast infections or tou may have an allergy to the strains of probiotic
I wasn't on them at the time of any of the incidences. I ate activia for 6 weeks and then they started. Stopped the Activia and it stopped. Took Pearl probiotic and it came back. After that i went on antibiotics for diverticulitis. They gave me fluconazole which took care of it. About 3 weeks later went to GI doc and he wanted me to start Allign. I took one, and the next day the yeast infection started. Didn't take anymore and after a couple of days it was gone.
Do you take antibiotics alot for infections ? I know if I take antibiotics I ALWAYS get a yeast infection and sometimes too much sugar in the diet triggers them too ...amoxicillin is the worst one for me so I have it on my medical records NOT to prescribe it to me
Dear Ellen, if it is happening to you it is true. I get yeast infections very often. It can be in your body. Google candida which is yeast. Many product I have found work. Oregano gets rid of yeast fungus. Baking soda keeps your PH balance good. Cider Vinegar same as baking soda does. Also SIBO is another colbrite. You can have a breath or blood test by your doctor. Two gases methane and hydrogen is the reasons for SIBO. I take Atrantil for maintenance. You can also Google about that. Hope that helps some. Let me know if I can help more. Love JoRo
I cannot eat anything with yeast in it! Bread etc.I also tried Keffir and that seemed to start up a yeast infiction. Sugarden definitely does not help. Hope the new treatment helps.
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If The FDA Hasn't Approved Probiotic Then How Can They Sale It?