What Is A Good Stool Softner
Try fleet mineral oil enema Ronnie,no cramps
Not sure. I do know my poor 6 year old grandson gets it from his mom. 😡He has been having bowel issues since he was born. I’ve tried to get them to take him to a GI they won’t listen to anything i say😢
Miralax takes a few days to work. Once you find the right amount to take for you it's great. I take half a dose every day.
Fleet gives me terrible cramps
You can try Fleet glycerine suppositories. They work in about 15-30 minutes and no need to worry about ingesting medications if you are afraid of systemic effects.
With Ibs Do You Have Pain On The Left Side And It Goes Over To And Above The Pelvic Area.
Who Here Has Experienced Bowel Incontinence From Their IBS? What Are Your Coping Methods?
Does Anyone Find When They Take Stool Softeners With The Stimulant Laxative Their Stomach Gripes Really Bad?