Does Anyone Else Have Issues When They Take Products Like Immodiom For Their IBS-D? I Tend To Have More Gas/bloating When Taking.
My IBS-D is actually helped when I take an Immodium when I'm having an "episode." For me, it helps relieve the pain. I do this sparingly though.
I take Immodium, at least a 1/2 or a 1/4 when I need to. My gastroenterologist recommended that . It doesn't paralyze my gut. If I didn't do that, I couldn't go to work.
Yes, I do that too, sometimes! Then I get constipated for days. And I only try to take a half or even a quarter of an Immodium. It's terrible living with this "disease". There's never a day when I don't have cramps and abdominal pain. I don't eat anything that has dairy; no vegetables, no beans, no fruits. I do take Levsin for the pain, It helps somewhat.
I've been talking Imodium for years before I go anywhere to control my ibs-d. I think it's backfired right now though, terrible constipation right now. So painful 😣
I was told by a GI specialist that immodoim and Pepto can actually paralyze your gut if you take too much so I was told to not take that stuff anymore.
Weight Gain? Has Anyone Experienced This Even If You Can Barely Eat?
Does Anyone Else Get Body Aches When There IBS Is Flaring Up?
Food After A Flare