Hi everyone I’m getting depressed lately. My Dr.has started me on high blood pressure medication. And my bowels only function once every two weeks I’m tired and get sleepless nights. Does anyone take high blood pressure medication that does not constipate them?
Thank you
And the doctor didn't address your constipation? Our heart rate and blood pressure can be affected by chronic constipation. Please talk to your doctor about and increase your water to 6-8, 8oz glasses of water per day, if not already, eat more fresh fruit and vegis and take Metamucil or Restoralax nightly to help with movement of stools..if you consume ultra processed food often, cut back and the same with fatty greasy food and soda. They all can contribute to constipation in some people.
Thank you, Barbara I will check those out.
Have a nice day.
I don't have that problem and have been on several bp meds for years. I tend to diarrhea when I have symptoms, but that is fairly well controlled with Viberzi. Have you asked your doctor about Linzess? That is the current medication for IBS-C. One of my bp meds does cause my feet to swell so I have to watch sodium intake and also drink enough liquid. So drinking water can help with everything.
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